DynamoDB Sessions integration

Store your PHP Sessions in DynamoDB.


composer require async-aws/dynamo-db-session


use AsyncAws\DynamoDb\DynamoDbClient; use AsyncAws\DynamoDbSession\SessionHandler; $handler = new SessionHandler(new DynamoDbClient(), [ 'table_name' => 'php-sessions', ]); \session_set_save_handler($handler, true);

A DynamoDb table needs to exist in the configured region with the given table_name option.

The primary key of the table must be a String with key "id". This can be changed with the hash_key option.

The Time to live attribute of the table must be set on the "expires" attribute. This can be changed with the session_lifetime_attribute option.

Alternatively, the table can be created programmatically with the setUp method:


Creating the table with the method ensures the settings meet the requirements.

The table is created with On-Demand billing, which you can change to provisioned through the AWS console.


The SessionHandler accepts the following options:

Parameter Description Default
consistent_read Whether or not to use consistent reads true
data_attribute Name of the data attribute in table "data"
hash_key Name of hash key in table "id"
session_lifetime Lifetime of inactive sessions expiration ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime')
session_lifetime_attribute Name of the session life time attribute in table "expires"
table_name Name of table to store the sessions

Symfony usage

To ease service configuration, install the AsyncAws Symfony Bundle first.

The bundle will automatically configure DynamoDbClient with the given credentials.

# config/services.yaml services: AsyncAws\DynamoDbSession\SessionHandler: arguments: - '@async_aws.client.dynamo_db' - table_name: php-sessions # for more options, see Configuration
# config/packages/framework.yaml framework: session: handler_id: AsyncAws\DynamoDbSession\SessionHandler