CodeCommit client

This page contains examples with the CodeCommit client. See the client introduction for a more detailed description how to use a client. You may also want to consider the authentication documentation to understand the many ways you can authenticate with AWS.

The CodeCommit package could be installed with Composer.

composer require async-aws/code-commit

A new client object may be instantiated by:

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient();

The authentication parameters is read from the environment by default. You can also specify a AWS access id and secret:

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient([ 'accessKeyId' => 'my_access_key', 'accessKeySecret' => 'my_access_secret', 'region' => 'eu-central-1', ]);

For all available options, see the configuration reference.


List repositories

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\Input\ListRepositoriesInput; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient(); $repoList = $codeCommit->listRepositories(new ListRepositoriesInput([ 'order' => 'ascending', // can also be 'descending' 'sortBy' => 'repositoryName', // can also be 'lastModifiedDate' 'nextToken' => 'TOKEN-FROM-PREVIOUS-RESPONSE-IF-PAGINATING-THROUGH-RESULTS' ])); $repos = $repoList->getRepositories(); // see example response at // for full list of information returned in $repos->getRepositories()

Create a repository

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\Input\CreateRepositoryInput; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient(); $repo = $codeCommit->createRepository(new CreateRepositoryInput([ 'repositoryName' => 'my-repository-name', // name must be unique within your account 'repositoryDescription' => 'this can be null if you like', 'tags' => [ 'team' => 'platform-eng', 'guild' => 'frontend', 'any-other-tag' => 'whatever-you-want' ] ])); $repo->getRepositoryMetadata(); // see example response at // for full list of information returned in $repo->getRepositoryMetadata()

Delete a repository

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\Input\DeleteRepositoryInput; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient(); $repo = $codeCommit->deleteRepository(new DeleteRepositoryInput([ 'repositoryName' => 'name-of-repo-to-delete', ] ])); var_dump($repo->getRepositoryId()); // returned id of the deleted repo

Get a branch

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\Input\GetBranchInput; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient(); $branch = $codeCommit->getBranch(new GetBranchInput([ 'repositoryName' => $repoName, 'branchName' => 'main' ])); $latestCommitId = $branch->getBranch()->getCommitId();

Get list of different blobs between two commits

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\Input\GetDifferencesInput; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient(); $differences = $codeCommit->getDifferences(new GetDifferencesInput([ 'repositoryName' => $repoName, 'afterCommitSpecifier' => $latestCommitId, 'beforeCommitSpecifier' => $baseCommitId ])); foreach($differences->getDifferences() as $diff) { echo $diff->getAfterBlob()?->getPath(); // eg 'composer.json' echo $diff->getAfterBlob()?->getBlobId(); echo $diff->getChangeType(); // eg 'A', 'M', 'D' for 'Added', 'Modified', 'Deleted' }

Get information about a blob

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\Input\GetBlobInput; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient(); $blob = $codeCommit->getBlob(new GetBlobInput([ 'repositoryName' => $repoName, 'blobId' => $blobId ])); echo $blob->getContent(); // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

Get information about a commit

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\Input\GetCommitInput; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient(); $commit = $codeCommit->getCommit(new GetCommitInput([ 'repositoryName' => $repoName, 'commitId' => 'b58c341f3d493f7fc0b6b95a648a2e2397d0692f' # must be the full SHA hash of the commit ])); echo $commit->getCommit()->getMessage(); // "Initial commit" // see example response at // for full list of information returned in $commit->getCommit()

Update repository triggers

use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\CodeCommitClient; use AsyncAws\CodeCommit\Input\PutRepositoryTriggersInput; $codeCommit = new CodeCommitClient(); $result = $codeCommit->putRepositoryTriggers(new PutRepositoryTriggersInput([ 'repositoryName' => 'async-aws-monorepo', 'triggers' => [new RepositoryTrigger([ 'name' => 'NotifyOfCodeChanges', # ARN of your Lambda function which is going to get executed when something happens 'destinationArn' => 'arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:123456789012:function:my-function', 'customData' => 'any additional data you want for the execution context - maybe an id of some sort?', 'branches' => ['main', 'development'], # send a blank array to be triggered on *all* branches 'events' => ['createReference', 'deleteReference', 'updateReference'], # 'all' is also a valid input ])], ])); echo $result->getConfigurationId(); // '6fa51cd8-35c1-EXAMPLE'

The source code to this page is found on GitHub.